We are australian distributors for the amazing bendtech bending software programs. Compare worldclass bendtech tube and pipe bending software to find the right fit for your fabrication needs. We use our own in house 3d modelling software to design and develop the cage. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. I purchased a nhra kit from rogue fab and the bendtech software takes the guess work out of building cages. Bend tech pro is made for the small shop or serious hobbyist and is used for designing tubular assemblies and even complete frames. Bendtech bending software speedwerx racing products. Cad, cam software and cnc machines for metal tube and pipe fabrication needs. Bendtech plate templates motorsports edition msp is a set of templates which includes common washers, tabs. We use a cnc tube bender to manufacture all the bent components. Fwiw most pro roll cage builders, using this type bender, will use tubing the next thickness above what the rules require. I recently purchased a new tube bender from pro bender and purchased the bend tech pro software. Check out their software, and tube cutters and markers here. Bendtech, the leader in metal fabrication software, offers many modules to go along with the software.
Bendtech ez3d was designed to help out the serious hobbyist. Bendtech perfect bending software solutions for tube. Bendtech tube bending software makes the job fast, easy and accurate to within 0. It looks like the smallest radius they sell is a 5.
Custom cages cnc bending technology will achieve much greater consistency than manual bending. Springback compensation for draw and roll tube bending. After starting this project, i quickly discovered that trying to calculate all of the lengths and angles was difficult with a. You can also generate some typical fullerene cages from c20 up to c320. These easytouse software packages ranging from simple 2d design for the hobbyist, diyer or classic car restorer, to editions for machine shops and racing teams for customized automotive work, to professional 3d design software for parts manufacturing are. I have a decent machine shop with several metal lathes. Either you are designing from simple bent tube to chassis and roll cages, bendtech pro will. From small hobbyist shops to commercial shops, we offer solutions to save manufacturing time and scrap.
Ever since my college days when i worked on formula sae race car team and we built a small race car from scratch, and building the roll cage involved a tubing bender, ive wanted one. Now you can use get bent software on the go with are new online bending software. Loreso tube bender, 3 in 1 for 14 516 38 0180 degrees tubing bending tools manual tubing bender for copper, brass, aluminum and thin steel pipes. Entry level solution for the first time user that has basic 2d. In bending 101, you will learn how to put a bend where you want it, based on where the bend starts, and how to bend the right amount. Bendtech pro is ideal for customers with manual or simple hydraulic machines and has the ability to design and dimension tubular assemblies, calculate and model all bent parts, and aid in tube notching.
Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading welding for beginners in fabrication. The bend techpro pipe bending layout software features material database and tube notching templates. Bendtech roll cage templates module in 2020 roll cage. Model 32 bender is the best tube bender on a budget. Bendtech ez is an entry level tube bending software for the home hobbyist. L33 test card generator card generator for the russian ll33 tube tester. I wrote this program in 1997 after i purchased a mittler brothers tubing bender to build a roll cage for my own race car. Tube bending custom cages manufacturer of roll cages. Bend it for windows is a free program that is used to calculate and layout the bend marks on a straight piece of tubing when fabricating roll bars and roll cages for race cars. You can get better results out of a cheapy bender by packing the tube with sand and heating the pipe, but whether itll be good enough is debateable. The model 32 tube bender is the best tube bender on a budget. Choosing the right tube and pipe bending software bend.
Design your project before you start, save time, save material and stop the on the job guesswork. Free tube bending software if this is your first visit, be sure to check out the faq by. Would like to have something that can help with the design, create a bom, and also create mechanical drawings with lengths, bend angles, cuts, etc. Go kart plans diy go kart tube chassis kart cross trophy truck sand rail roll cage pajero 240z. Bendtech pro tube bending software allows full chassis design along with tube bending and notching dimensions and calculations. Bend tech pro tutorial how to gathering pickpoints. If you are designing chassis, roll cages, rock sliders, frames or anything from single parts to multiple tubing assembly then bendtech pro is where you want to. May sound like extra work, but if you want the cage to fit really close making a tube template insures that the fit is tight and right. What really separates the cage gage from any other angle finder or protractor tool on the market is your ability to use the cage gage to duplicate and model actual bends and sections of your roll cage for exact fitment before you ever bend a piece of steel roll cage tubing. To the best of my knowledge, this was the first program developed and written for this purpose.
These numbers can be calibrated to any tube bender and can be printed off to use in the shop. Welcome to the official bendtech software webstore. Bendtech pro was introduced with our assembly interface which has taken the market by storm. Then i take these muffler tube templates to the bender and have him make them for me in.
Bend tech pro was introduced with our assembly interface which has taken the market by storm. It is simple to set up with the rogue fab bender and is. In order to avoid from bending which is more worst then compression and tension, tubes should be arranged to form triangles with the major loads applied at the intersection of tubes. Bendtech pro software tube bending software baileigh. Bend tech ez2d tube pipe bending software bender ebay. Wider radius would potentially be stronger, but harder to fit into the chassis. Bendtech pro tube bending software 3d tubular chassis. Upgrade your current bendtech software to a higher level product. Using advanced computer design methods and mass production, speedway motors brings you a superior tube bender at a better price. Extreme 4x4, rc buggy, roll cage, bouncers, metal fabrication. In comparison to straight tubes, bent tubes have more chances to. Every cage designed in rct will provide bending instructions such as cut length, bend location, bend angle, rotation, etc. The machine operator will find powerful and easytouse 3d designers to reduce setup time and decrease scrap. We spent countless hours observing and asking questions to our customers on how they would like to see pro work.
Bendtech pro is made for the small shop or serious hobbyist and is used for designing tubular assemblies and even complete frames. We are a one stop shop for all you roll cage requirements. If youre trying to figure out which program is the best for you, check out our which bending software is right for me. In this feature tech piece were going to take a look at the ins and outs of the basic roll cage, from the materials theyre constructed of, to where you can have one installed, what it will cost you, and what nhra regulations you need to know before you chop up your prized vehicle and start bending and welding. They pealed back the pillars of standard cad thinking and put together an interface that is logical beyond belief. Please select a category on the left to browse through the software products we have available. Tube bending, services, roll cages, architectural bends. Tube bending to your specification is a service that custom cages offers to anyone keen to design a roll cage to their own specification.
Tube, pipe, rod, and sheet metal software for hobbyists and commercial users. Tube bender model 1 manual speedwerx racing products. Every cage designed in rct will provide bending instructions such as cut length, bend location, bend angle, rotation, etc, these accurate numbers which can be calibrated to any of your tube benders from manual hand bender to cnc will be your ultimate tool for successful tube fabrication. It is smart phone friendly and make quick work getting you the right bend in the shop. Welding for beginners in fabrication kindle edition by jason heard. Bendit, bend it is a free program that is used to calculate and layout the bend marks when fabricating roll cages and roll bars for race cars.
Order it from baileigh industrial and learn in minutes. Tube bender m1 this is australias number 1 pipe tube bender for rollcage and chassis work, used by professional and hobby builders all over australia and new zealand. Bend tech pro tutorial how to gathering pickpoints contact me for any video requests or leave a comment if you found this video informative and helpful. Ez provides dozens of predefined templates and has a custom part. Tube bending services using amob tube bending machines automotive and architectural applications. Anyone design their cage with bend tech pro polaris rzr. Thecarproject a fully featured auto vehicle, auto dealer php sales web site software, built on bootstrap 3 it will. Minimum requirements windows operating system xp, vista, 7, 8, 8. Is there a software package to help design and construct roll cages.
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